My poor Bronchioles

yay I finally got this thing to work! I didn't realize i had to switch it to "edit html"... these things are so complicated. I can't even figure out how to get a picture on the side of my blog, like in my profile. Im THAT inept when it comes to computers.
Nevertheless, I have two happy things to report.
1. A couple of months ago I was at work and curious about my own blood pressure. It had always been normal, but I was curious of my poor eating habits and lack of exercise had caught up to me yet. Well... sure enough they had and it read 140/84. GASP....WHAT?! I had to redo it to believe my eyes. I even redid it at a drug store with one of their automatic ones. Yep... it was right.. 140/82 this time. I was only 22 and had hypertension!! (high blood pressure). This was another one of those "rock bottom moments" where I realized that I HAD to change for my health. Well.. today, Day 20, i was at the doctors getting antibiotics for my "chest cold" turned "bronchitis" ... and i had him check it out to see if my new lifestyle had done any positive damage to lower my blood pressure. To my delight, it read 116/88.
I am happy with this and look forward to seeing how it will change throughout my new way of life. This is such a good sign!
2. On June 10th, I went to a friends wedding. The skirt and tank top i had bought for it were a size down from what I normally wear. The skirt was an 18, and Ive been a 20 for the last year. I was delighted that I could squeeze into an 18, even though I had to pull it up a bit to fit it properly, and even then it still left little breathing room. BUT I COULD DO IT UP DAMMIT! Today, i needed a little boost of motivation because I have been sick and have not been exercising, and something like this could EASILY through me of my wagon. So I went through my closet and tried on clothing. That aforementioned tight size 18 skirt now fits like a dream.. around my WAISTE where it is supposed to fit. No more pulling it up to get by. Yessssss.. I also tried on a dress that I had worn to my cousins wedding last august and it was noticable too big for me. Like Im talking... grab a bunch of fabric on the side too big. YAY! This is what i needed to keep going.
I also had a talk with my mom on the phone today and told her both of these accomplishments. She is so supportive I love her to pieces.
My goal orignally was to comfortably fit a size 16 by the end of august. Thats still over 2 months away. I am totally confident that I can do that. I leave for Vancouver on the 11th of July, so That is still 3 weeks away and I am excited to see how much I'll change from now till then. Is a size 16 only 3 weeks away? How long will it take I wonder.
First order of business... get rid of this nasty bronchitis and back into the fitness world.
I have so much codeine in me right now from my accidental overdose of cough syrup. I could have SWORN that label said "two to three teaspoons." Three teaspoons later, A double glance revealed: two teaspoons.
hey daisy! thanks for commenting! It feels good to know that someone is reading what im going through and can relate. Thanks!!
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