Monday, June 19, 2006

two steps forward... half a step back? (thats how i feel today.)

So tomorrow is Day 20. Twenty days of absolutely no greasy fast food, 2 litres of water per day (give or take), eating 98% healthy foods (the 2% being the couple encounters with booze or a snack once or twice that wasn't the healthiEST choice, but still mainly healthyier things) and including stair climbing, swimming and biking into my routine.

I am proud of myself for getting to this point, although I do realize I need to change a couple things. First of all the last couple days have really seen yet another lull in motivation. Luckily, I managed to stay on the healthy eating track during the lull, but said lull has caused me to fall behind a bit in my exercising. Reasons for which are that I have a chest cold right now, have not been getting enough sleep, and really didn't FEEL like riding my bike to work or climbing the stairs today. But thats one day. The bright side is that i saw my parents and brother on father's day, and they all commented on how I look like i've lost weight. The other bright side is that I am 5 lbs less than I was the last time I weighed myself at my parents (6 days after starting). The OTHER bright side is that I weigh 11 lbs lighter than my heaviest weight. So all in all... things are looking up. Way up.

Today I met a guy at work. He was incredibly cute and I was immediately attracted to him. I know, I know.. this is supposed to be a blog soley dedicated to my journey to becoming bootylicious. However, it is relevent to note that I think maybe he thought I was a bit cute too. Not sure, but for a split second it seemed as though he could see through me and know that I am beautiful. Perhaps it was my own spark of confidence speaking to me making me feel that way and really he was just being polite. Quite possible. But regardless, I felt good for a moment. And to feel good.... felt really good. Thanks Jon. (Now... wanna marry me? j/k. totally kidding.)

So my goal this week is to up my fitness level a notch or two. I don't want to let this shitty chest cold break my momentum. there are times when I am on a roll and i look in the mirror and can plainly see the small progress im making. Then there are times when i feel as though i've lost that momentum.. and i look in the mirror and all i see is fat.

Word of wisdom to myself: slow and steady wins the race. This is a lifestyle change, dont search for the weight to come off. Just live. Live healthy, live happy and active... and time will prove to be on your side.

Today I am renewing my committment to my healthy lifestyle. I am feeling better about myself. I am proud of my accomplishments.


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