Loosen up my Buttons Babe...

It remains ridiculously hot out.. even now at 10:36PM i am sitting at my computer sweating like a banchee.. this house is so hot... its a sauna. All the more reason to hydrate hyrdrate hydrate!!! This pic represents the burning need to refill the water cooler during this type of heat wave. 33 degrees tomorrow, and I will be biking to work again. I wish I owned a scale because I really want to know if Im losing any more weight. I kinda feel like im just at a stand-still. I know this will take an incredbily long time so im trying to not to let it get to me. Im still getting tons of compliments and for all intents and purposes, IM sitll very much ON THE WAGON. I guess its just hard because I've never succeeded for this long before (like i said i usually last 2 weeks max.) and now im working on my second month, and so I dont' know how my body is SUPPOSED to react to what im doing. Im biking to work, taking my stairs, drinking my water, eating my healthy foods. There are areas where I can improve though and I just need to make a bigger effort. For instance, I know i need to eat MORE during the day. I know that days that I sleep in, I miss a meal.. and i don't add everything I should to my diet. I really should start a food journal. Do i do it online? or should i just do it in a booklet. ... hmm..
Just as a quick aside... Im currently interested in someone that might be interested in me as well. We went on a date-ish... and it was good.. and wow... good looking guy. It made me realize (not that i hadn't before but..) how really low my self esteem is as a result of years of being overweight. I met him for the first time at a club on saturday night (canada day.) My friend wan't to introduce us, and when i walked in the bar and saw him... My first immediate thougth was: He's waaay too goodlooking for me and he'll sooo not want to be with me. Dawn (said friend who introduced us..) gave me shit for thinking that way.. turns out he's a really down to earth guy.. and I can't deny .. they boy's got sex-appeal.
So .. Im having a good time fitting into my cute old navy clothes.. and i just can't WAIT for the day they are too big. I love keeping this blog because I can now look back and read when I said things like "I can't WAIT until its been a full month" or "Yay 7 whole days!!" cuz now i know its been way more than 7 days and it will be many many more 7 day stretches. Now Im going to say "I can't wait until it has been 2 whole months." ...
I have not jogged or walked yet this week. Besides the fact that Im on my feet for 8 hours straight during the day, biking there and taking the stairs) I haven't actually gone on A WALK like i said i would 3 times per week. Perhaps that is something I can rectify tomorrow. Its just been tooo damn hot. I can't be outside when its like this...
So the title of this entry has a double meaning.
1. My new favourite song of the moment is "Buttons" by the pussy cat dolls. I freakin love these girls they are so sexy and fun. Its such a great song and when it comes on i dance around my room!
2. the other meaning of the title is the fact that all my clothes are falling off me right now and my "buttons" are loosening... its my new mantra to will the universe to make my buttons EVEN LOOSER.
lOOSEN uP my BUtoNs Babe... na na na naaa na na... Sayin what you gon doo to me... but i ain't seen nuthin...
I think im beginning to melt from the freaking heat in this house... so down to the basement I go.. down to the coool cooooool basement.
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