I don't think you're ready... for this jelly...

Today is day 27... wow will this month EVER be over? I don't know how much weight i've lost entirely because i don't own a scale. However, today I am going over to my girl dana's house and we are having a bonnie-dana afternoon. She has a scale and I get to see how much damage I've done so far this month. It has been sooo hot here all week, and today is another scorcher. Dana and I are going to do some walking, some relaxing, and some swimming in her OUTDOOR pool! I can deal with that. My pic today depicts our lounging in the sun in our bathing suits. We look like that don't we dana... *shifts eyes*
Well the last couple of days I did pretty good with my eating. Although I did indulge in a couple of chocolate chip cookies. But heres my thing: one cookie is 60 calories so theres no reason why I can't fit those into my calories for the day if i feel like indulging.
I made the most inventive YUMMY snack yesterday and I couldn't wait to share it with you all. I had a couple of scoops of mandarin sherbert (low cal) and i spiced it up with slicing an orange and mixign the orange pieces in the sherbert. It was sooo yummy and also a very physically attractive snack. It could have been a picture on a cooking show! So instead of having that sunday, break out the sherbert and put some fruit in it... like a berry sherbert with some berries in it! how perfect..
I've been eating alot of fruit in the last few days but not quite enough veggies so i'll have to work on that. But.. im keeping up with my water..
Just a quick shout-out to all the ladies i've been chatting with on "3fatchicks.com". This is a support network for people trying to shed pounds, and the support i've gotten has been great! i love to hear all your stories and encouragment! Keep going ladies.. cuz you keep me going!
Yesterday i got a compliment from a co-worker. She said 'bonnie your face is really wasting away... you look so pretty" -- she hadnt' seen me in about a week. WOW that felt good.
Thats right ladies Im one month LESS away from BECOMING BOOTYLICIOUS!!
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