Back on track!

Today was a great day. It had to be. I needed to make up for yesterday's breif fall off the wagon. I just have to see these weak moments as veering from my track and to get back on as soon as possible. Its not a complete failure. And if Im going to be in this for the long haul i have to realize that I'm bound to give in to temptation once in a while. Today I was very very good. I did sleep in late as I was up late doin the house warming party thing. So, being as that it was about NOON, I made myself a salad with lettuce, tomatoes and calorie-wise thousand island dressing. I also had a hamburger patty that had been bbq'd from yesterday so most of the grease had dripped off, and i had it without a bun and just dipped it in some mustard. Then, Later in the afternoon I went for a bike ride that unfortunately was cut to about 15 minutes because it was sooo hot out and I couldn't bear it. Plus I was getting a bit of a sunburn. In the evening I went swimmming and swam my half hour of laps. I am particularily proud of myself because I swam extra hard today and used many muslces and i could really feel it afterwards. yay for me! when I got home, it was around 9pm ... but i figured, i slept in till noon, my timing is all off.. im gonna be up for a long time yet, i better eat since all i had was that salad and the hamburger. So i made myself some tomato soup (very low-cal) and i put a can of tuna into it. I heard about doing that once and i wanted to try it.. it really does taste good! And of course I nibbled on cherries throughout the day and drank my two litres. Then late tonite, after midnight, i walked my best friend sean home. We walked and a good clip, and then after dropping him off I took a power walk around the lake by his place (my favourite spot) which im sure is about ... 800 metres around. Then I power walked it all the way home.. I really would like to know the distance. Nevertheless i know i burned off what i needed to burn off today, and it felt great!
My swimmer-pin-up-girl is posted there to represent my hard work in the pool today... maybe one day I will look like her.. what do you think?
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