Heat waaaave

Unusual stressful situations can come along and i use them as excuses to eat horribly. This happened yesterday. After the DAY BEFORE yesterday being practically my BEST DAY for eating.. i came home to find my brother in law lying on the floor, sheet white and sweaty, eyes rolling in the back of his head. Immediately I took him to the hospital and we ended up in emerg with him all night till about 5 am. I won't go into detail about his condition, besides the fact that it was a good scare for all of us. But coming home at 5:30 am... being sooo hungry.. I used the excuse of being up all night to eat. Thats also why i find night shifts so hard eating-wise.
So I made mysefl two big hot dogs. I also had pickedup a small bag of doritos on my way out of the hospital. Then... i went to sleep till 2pm.. (not good.) i had felt so stuffed because im not used to eating that much.. but i didn't learn my lesson. Later int he day i ate more chips, and then we ordered pizza and i had 3 pieces. The pizza was sooooo greasy. It sat in my stomach like a lump and i immediately regretted it. I used to be able to eat like 5 or 6 pieces and not be THAT FULL. Now.. 3 pieces made me want to hurl. I was soo mad at myself.
Luckily I have a buddy (Dana) who called me and said "lets go fora walk." at first, i tried handing in my "excuse card" (I even said those words to her) because I felt sooo gross and did NOT feel like walking. Luckily she wouldn't take no for an answer so she came over and at about 10:15pm we started our walk. We walked for over an hour and jogged part of the way. It was waaaay easier to jog when someone is jogging with you and saying "lets make it to that light post..." or "lets go to the NEXT corner instead of this one"
It was soo good to have a partner doing this with me.. and the fact that we walk and jog at the same pace... its perfect! we've made goals to walk/jog together 5 times per month and to be jogging lots by the end of august. We both want so badly to be "runners" so we're just gonna make it happen. So even tho last night was horrible eating-wise, I was able to turn it around with some help from a good friend.
So my picture today is of this pretty flower. My friend Kent actually took this pic. I chose it because, even tho i felt like DIRT yesterday, i still was able to rise above that and do something good for myself. In doing this, my ability to jog "grew" and will continue to "grow" -- just like a flower. (corny iknow.. but true.)
Just as a side note.. i re-discovered the yumminess of yogan-fruiz the other day... my NEW FAVOURITE SNACK!!
Oh yea, AND i weighed myself at danas and for some reason, im at the same weight... which pisses me off.. but im going to try not to think about it and focus on my exercising.
IF you want my body ... AND you think im sexy...
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