Monday, September 17, 2007

In Praise of Slow.

Today and yesterday were both great days. I FINALLY after many months of feeling blue and depressed, got off the couch and out to enjoy the beautiful weather in walk in the river valley. Both days I had really supportive company. I am so lucky to have the people in my life that I do. I have people that care so much about me that will be my saftey net when i fall or admit things that im afraid of or am vulnerable about.

Even if I have a slow start, which this is, its good. It beats laying on the couch feeling tired and sad. Thats how i've been the last few months. Really tired. AND really SAD. But ... getting out of that comes with DOING. and luckily i have ppl in my life that can pick up on when i need that little extra push to get DOING again.
Right now i just so badly need to GET OUT. and im proud of myself because thats what i did. And will continue to do. I hope we have a beautiful autumn because its my favourite time of year!

So to touch on my title for this blog "in praise of slow" ... Sean my best friend was the one who came with me tonight on my walk. and afterwards, at second cup we got into the conversation about how fast paced our society is. How much pressure we put on ourselves and how for some, if our job isn't "stressful" enough, we are less satisfied, we feel less valuable. I think sometimes we need to just slow down, take things slowly, and not always have "getting ahead" in our minds. For instance, Yes i want to lose weight, count calories, work out, fit into my jeans.. etc etc... but gettnig out and walking tonight was more about getting OUT. and gettint OUT of the negative mind-cylce i've been in. And even if i dont' lose ANY Weight this week or this month or even this year, if i can just learn to praise the slow, praise me, praise my abilities and my strengths and USE myself to my full potential, thats good enought for me. Maybe thats what i need to learn in all of this.


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